A Healthy Back

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.A Healthy <b>Back</b>.
A Healthy Back
Led by: Travis Eliot
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
30 Mins
All Levels

This yin yoga practice serves two main purposes. First, the sequence is designed to ensure your spine is supple and healthy. And, second, this practice gives you permission to slow down, get still, and retreat from stress, stimulation and distraction. Congrats on making it to the end of Empowered week 1.

“Nowhere you can go is more peaceful — more free of interruptions than your own soul.”
-Marcus Aurelius

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Justin Florentine
would be cool if a list of poses was included in the descriptions. I often ask my self "which was the 30 minute Yin with the thread-the-needle pigeon?"
Darren Fisher
It would be great if you could give guidance on biomechanical considerations and detailed instructions on the poses
Elin Wetterberg
Lovely for the back and my whole being