Find Your Balance Flow

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.Find Your Balance Flow.
Find Your Balance Flow
Led by: Chris Walker
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
30 Mins
No Props
All Levels

Class 4, 5, and 6 are your final three practice that consist of one main flow following the “Find Your Flow” style. In this class we will be focused on balancing on our feet and our hands. We’ll begin with a warm-up, then move through the main flow, holding each pose for approximately 5 breaths. Next, we’ll link movement to breath without specific cues, remembering the inhale-exhale pattern: inhale lifts and expands, exhale lowers and contracts. If you ever lose track of your breath, take a moment to reflect on the pose’s intention and rediscover your flow. To wrap up, we’ll complete two cycles without voice cues, giving you the opportunity to fully embrace and find your flow. Enjoy the journey of discovering your own unique flow in these classes!

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I loved it!!! Thanks Chris, it was amazing. I never knew I could flow balance. It's challenging in a very nice compassionate way. And at the end without even forcing it I knew the whole flow. Beautiful! I love this series!
Thanks, Chris! This was, by far, the most challenging class to keep the "flow" as balances, jumps and hops demand a lot from the breath, so it becomes a bit choppy and erratic. However, it forced me to really pace myself and reflect on how to do things in a more calmer (you don't feel very peaceful attempting a handstand, but let's keep trying!) way and focusing on slowing down even in challenging moments. Thanks, Chris, for the opportunity to look inwards and reflect.