Sound of Silence
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Sound of Silence
Led by: Lauren Eckstrom
15 Mins
All Levels
Even in the midst of chaos there is a silence that is always present. We call this the dimension of awareness. During this 15 minute meditation you’ll be aware of sounds as they arise and pass away again through the ringing of a Tibetan singing bowl, crystal bowl, and symbols learning to observe the arising and passing of sound which is all held in a continuous space of silence.
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beautiful !!! Thank you so much !!
A tranquil and peaceful class.
Love it :)
As a new widow, I had been following Randy Travis on YT for the last 6 months; bits and pieces of the variety generously given. I was finally able to join for the year (thanks kindly for the discount; it really helped!). This meditation was serene, centering and cleared away the bats-in-my-belfrey and the sounds & silence was wonderful. The "close" sound we were told to be aware of was my own heartbeat!!
Loved this.
Ngã mihi Lauren!