Online • 300HRS

Holistic Yoga Flow
Advanced Sequencing
(Part 1: 50HRS)

35 Lectures and 12 Masterclasses

Part 1 of the online 300 hour Holistic Yoga Flow (HYF) Advanced Teacher Training constitutes 50 hours’ worth of training and includes access to our exclusive private HYF Community Group. Upon completion, you will receive a 50 hour HYF Advanced Teacher Training – Advanced Sequencing certificate authorized by Inner Dimension Academy.

Purchase Now to Get Started

This course requires a membership. Please visit the Academy page for purchase options or Sign In to start this course if you have purchased it.

Supplemental Material

Access to the Supplemental Material requires a membership to this Course.

What People Are Saying

I am overjoyed to have found Innerdimensiontv. Thank you so much for the great yoga classes.
This was a beautiful journey. Grateful for all the knowledge you share and all the amazing classes. Thank you so much for everything
A big thank you for your teachings! ❤️
Looking forward

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