Even though we can’t see energy, we can feel it shift within us. This class focuses on the Pranamaya Kosha—the energy layer of our being. This flow brings our awareness to the directions in which our currents of energy flow and invites us to use our mind and breath to aid in the healthy flow […]
This special sound bath meditation explores our subtlest layer of the Anandamaya Kosha, our bliss dimension, which is the portal that allows us to experience our soul, pure consciousness and transcendence.
This meditation is one to help us tap into and embody the Vijnanamaya Kosha, the wisdom dimension, inviting us to create space for intuition and inner knowing to arise.
We explore the Manomaya Kosha again through the lens of the heart and our emotions during this meditation. This practice helps us to become familiar with and accepting of the humanness of our emotions as a part of our whole Self.
The mental layer of our being, or our Manomaya Kosha, can be experienced with a calm and observant attention when we slow down. This meditation explores the qualities of the mind and our thoughts with an acknowledgement that although the mind is an important part of the whole, it does not have to rule our […]
This meditation practice dives into developing our awareness of the Pranamaya Kosha, the energy layer, and invites a nourishment of the self from our Prana or lifeforce.
This embodiment meditation is for the Annamaya Kosha, the physical dimension of our body, helping us to connect with the densest layer of our being.
High Spirits is a movement practice to create more space for joy, contentment and spontaneous happiness to arise. In Buddhist Philosophy, there are two types of happiness – Pamoja and Sukha. This practice will explore shapes and flows to cultivate Sukha – happiness for no reason – happiness for just being who we are.
We planned your Summer & Fall 2024 so you don’t have to! Join us as we move through a combination of newly and previously released programs, series and classes. Links for future releases might not work now but will be updated as new content is released.
Super- Charged is a fun and powerful flow that takes our postures into new places. With add-ons to beloved postures like Trikonasa / Triangle and Ardha Chandrasana / Half Moon, this is a half hour to power up your mind, body, and soul for a wonderful rest of your day!