Caring for the Anxious Mind
Discover inner peace and resilience with evidence-based techniques to soften anxiety in difficult times.
Led by: Brittany Lynne
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Caring for the Anxious Mind
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This practical series offers a number of evidence-based techniques to help you cope with and soften anxiety, increase peace, and build resilience in difficult times. When we become aware of the present moment, we can access resources we may not have realized were there all along.
This series was originally written by Dana Byerlee and is newly shared by Brittany Lynne.
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Brilliant. Many thanks!
So helpful and calming......I especially like cultivating calm and care and I find Dana's voice very soothing for my mind - thank you!
Well, I'm on day 31 of the 108 day level up programme over here in the UK and I'm absolutely loving it! :-) It's become my little haven of peace and serenity in each day, albeit a very sweaty haven, haha!
Thank you so much to Travis, Lauren and the gang for this website, I'm so glad I stumbled upon it over lockdown. Big Love to all. Namaste. xxx
So simple and yet so powerful.
Amazing! Thank you for this meditation practice. It has improved my overall stress response!
Just started day 1 of two feet, two hands, one breath. It works so quickly on bringing me to center, calming down and finding my focus. My 'monkey mind' clams immediately! Can't wait for tomorrow!!