In this lecture we will anatomically review the upper body from the waist up, beginning with the core. Taking a thorough look at all of the ways in which muscles and joints move throughout the common yoga asana practice. Highlighting key concepts of biomechanics, and practical ways of thinking about, and seeing movement.
In this lecture we will cover the vital role that quality nutrition, quality hydration, and quality rest play, in regards to our physical and mental well-being.
In this lecture we will cover the importance of tending to and supporting the physical body through the practice of yin yoga, and self-myofascial release techniques.
In this lecture we will cover the importance of healthy breathing and learn a variety of simple techniques to implement daily in order to create more awareness and healthier breathing habits. Helping to enhance your daily practices, and your life.
In this lecture we will cover the topic of reciprocal inhibition, also known as reflexive antagonism, and how this comes into play in the practice of yoga asana.
In this lecture we will cover the most common imbalances in the human body. In order to transform we must first become aware. The next step is to take action. Having more of an understanding of these common imbalances will greatly give you an advantage as a teacher to support your students journey’s, growth, and […]
In this lecture we will take a look at the anatomy of the two most common meditation postures: sukhasana and virasana. Which posture to choose for yourself, and which posture to recommend for your students, as well as recommendations for support using specific props.
In this lecture we will take a look at what is physically happening in the body as we engage the bandhas. Sharing with you my own feelings and sensations over the course of my personal practice with engaging the bandhas.
That’s it! We did it! Congratulations. So now what? Where to go from here? How do we apply all that has been soaked up and infuse it into our daily practices and teachings? This is where one journey ends, and the next begins.
In this lecture we talk about why a solid foundation of anatomy is so important as a teacher and practitioner. We will also review some of the basic language of anatomy and kinesiology, including joint actions of the major joints in the body, planes of motion, and more, setting the foundation for what’s to come.